Covid-19 Precautions

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COVID Precautions at our New Location

When you pass through the two sets of outside doors into the new reception area of ACNBA, you will be asked to use the hand sanitizer, wear a mask and keep 2 meters apart from each other in order to be served by either the Outreach Team member or Office Administrator behind the glass.

We are committed to maintaining COVID-19 precautions at ACNBA.

Staff and visitors to our space are required to wear masks, frequently sanitize hands and keep their distance from each other. We regularly clean and sanitize all non-porous surfaces in all areas of the agency.

For those with appointments with staff members, you will be screened at the door leading into the clinic space using a thermometer to check your temperature. In addition, you will be asked screening questions:

Do you have any of the following symptoms of COVID-19

  • fever
  • new onset of cough
  • chills
  • unexplained fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat, runny nose, stuffy or congested nose
  • lost sense of taste or smell
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • pink eye
  • digestive issues (Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain)

or you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or someone who has developed new respiratory symptoms, please delay your visit and contact either your health care provider, Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000), or visit an Assessment Centre for testing. 

If you are being seen by a staff member in the agency, you will be met at the door nearest the Office Administrator to be screened and let into one of the two clinic rooms. In the clinic rooms, you will find a plexiglass screened area for you and the staff member to safely talk with each other. In the case of our NP or RN when you are being seen for medical evaluation or procedures, full PPE should be expected including procedure gowns and gloves. Once you are finished with our staff member, you will be escorted back to the same door you came through to exit through the front entrance.